2022–2027 [Poznań – ]
President: Antoon De Baets
Vice President: Olufunke Adeboye
Secretary-General and Program Chair: Marnie Hughes-Warrington
Secretary-General and Program Chair: Daniel Woolf
Treasurer a.i.: see President
Book Prize Coordinator: Berber Bevernage
Book Prize Coordinator: Marek Tamm
Bureau Members: Dipesh Chakrabarty, Efi Gazi, Allan Megill, Sanjay Seth, Verónica Tozzi, Xupeng Zhang; Ewa Domańska (ex officio)
- ICHTH Newsletter no. 5 (February 2025)
- ICHTH Newsletter no. 4 (October 2024)
- ICHTH Newsletter no. 3 (February 2024)
- ICHTH Newsletter no. 2 (October 2023)
- ICHTH Newsletter no. 1 (February 2023)
- Obituary Estevão de Rezende Martins (1947–2025)
- Obituary Ignacio Olábarri Gortázar (1950–2024)
- Letter to CISH Bureau about 2026 location of CISH Congress (16 January 2024)
- Memo on 2026 location of CISH Congress (5 January 2024)
- Letter to Brazilian Society of Theory and History of Historiography (31 December 2023)
- Memo on the Legal Status of the ICHTH (6 November 2023)
- Edoardo Tortarolo, "The (Un)faithful Mirror of the ICHTH: The Scholarly Journal Storia della Storiografia and the Developments in the History and Theory of Historical Writing," Storia della Storiografia, nos. 83–84 (2023 nos. 1–2), 41–49.
- Blythe Alice Raviola, "Natalie Zemon Davis (1928–2023). A Remembrance," Storia della Storiografia, nos. 83–84 (2023 nos. 1–2), 265–284.
- Name of the Commission (memo to the Board) (February 2023)
- Antoon De Baets, Inaugural Address (26 August 2022)
- Nomination Committee, Nomination of the new President (2022)
2015–2022 [Jinan – Poznań]
President: Ewa Domańska
Secretary-General: Stefan Berger (2015–2017 term), Edoardo Tortarolo (2017–2022 term)
Program Chair: Q. Edward Wang
Treasurer: Q. Edward Wang (2015–2016 term), Marek Tamm (2016–2022 term)
Bureau Members: Berber Bevernage, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Qineng Chen (resigned 2017), Antoon De Baets (2021–2022 term), Efi Gazi (2021–2022 term), Chris Lorenz, Estevão de Rezende Martins (1947–2025), Sanjay Seth, Veronica Tozzi, Eiji Takemura (1962–2020); Antonis Liakos (ex officio)
- ICHTH website 2015-2022 (zip-file)
- ICHTH General Assembly 2022
- Ewa Domańska, Report 2015–2020/2022
- ICHTH-INTH Book Prize 2022
- Obituary Richard T. Vann (1932–2022)
- Obituary Fernando Sánchez Marcos (1943–2020)
- Obituary Eiji Takemura (1962–2020)
- ICHTH Ph.D. Prize 2018 Jury Report
- Obituary Hayden White (1928–2018)
- Obituary Georg G. Iggers (1926–2017)
- ICHTH Book Prize 2016 Jury Report
- Website (2015–2022): here
- Ewa Domańska, Mission Statement 2015
2010–2015 [Amsterdam – Jinan]
President: Antonis Liakos
Vice President: Edoardo Tortarolo
Secretary-General and Treasurer: Q. Edward Wang
Program Chair: Ewa Domańska
Bureau Members: Frank Ankersmit, Stefan Berger, Qineng Chen, Chris Lorenz, Estevão de Rezende Martins (1947–2025), Diana Mishkova, Jörn Rüsen, Sanjay Seth, Hayden White (1928–2018); Masayuki Sato (ex officio).
- ICHTH General Assembly 2015.
- Antonis Liakos, Report 2010–2015.
- Website (2007–2015): here.
- ICHTH Dissertation Prize 2013 Jury Report.
- Mention in the Global Civil Society Database (2012).
2005–2010 [Sydney – Amsterdam]
President: Masayuki Sato
Vice President: Irmline Veit-Brause (1937–2010)
Secretary-General: Sorin Antohi (2005-2006 term); Antonis Liakos (2006-2010 term)
Program Chair: Ewa Domańska
Treasurer: Q. Edward Wang
Bureau Members: Frank Ankersmit, Michael J. Bentley, Chun-chieh Huang, Chris Lorenz, Jörn Rüsen, Edoardo Tortarolo, Hayden White (1928–2018); Richard Vann (1932–2022) (ex officio).
- Q. Edward Wang, "China Encounters the World: In Memory of Zhang Zhilian (1918–2008)," Chinese Studies in History, 43, no. 3 (Spring 2010), 3–5.
- Website (2007–2015): here.
2000–2005 [Oslo – Sydney]
President: Richard Vann (1932–2022)
Vice President: Irmline Veit-Brause (1937–2010)
Secretary-General: Masayuki Sato
Program Chair: Michael J. Bentley
Treasurer: Ewa Domańska
Bureau members: Thomas Lee, Jörn Rüsen, Rolf Torstendahl, Edoardo Tortarolo; Georg Iggers (1926–2017) (ex officio)
1995–2000 [Montréal – Oslo]
President: Georg Iggers (1926–2017)
Vice President: Irmline Veit-Brause (1937–2010)
Secretary-General: Edoardo Tortarolo
Treasurer: Fernando Sánchez-Marcos (1943–2020)
Bureau Members: Frank Ankersmit, Francois Hartog, Peter Novick (1934–2012), Ignacio Olabarri (1950–2024), Attila Pók, Jörn Rüsen, Masayuki Sato, Hans Schleier (1931–2018), M. Siegel, Jerzy Topolski (1928–1998), Rolf Torstendahl, Richard Vann (1932–2022); Wolfgang Mommsen (1930–2004) (ex officio)
- Georg Iggers, History of the ICHTH (2000)
- Third Newsletter (March 1999)
- Second Newsletter (February 1997)
- Letter of Georg Iggers to ICHS/CISH Secretary-General François Bédarida (June 1996)
- Letter of Georg Iggers to Antoon De Baets (June 1996)
- First Newsletter (March 1996)
1990-1995 [Madrid – Montréal]
President: Wolfgang Mommsen (1930–2004)
Secretary-General: Ferenc Glatz
Treasurer: Fernando Sánchez-Marcos (1943–2020)
Burau Members: Georg Iggers (1926–2017), Giuseppe Ricuperati, Hans Schleier (1931–2018), Rolf Torstendhal, Richard Vann (1932–2022), Irmline Veit-Brause (1937–2010)
Close collaborators: Peter Burke, Hermann von der Dunk (1928–2018), François Hartog, A. Sakharov
Observers: Jörn Rüsen, Edoardo Tortarolo
1980-1990 [Bucharest – Stuttgart – Madrid]
President: Charles-Olivier Carbonell (1930–2013)
Vice President: Karl-Georg Faber (1980–1982 term) (1925–1982); Andrzej Grabski (1934–2000), Georg Iggers (1926–2017)
Secretary-General: Lucian Boia (1944–)
Treasurer: Bianca Valota Cavallotti
Burau Members: Wolfgang Mommsen (1982–1990 term) (1930–2004), Hans Schleier (1931–2018),
Close collaborators: Jerzy Topolski (1928–1998), Richard Vann (1932–2022), Zhang Zhilian (1918–2008)
- Charles-Olivier Carbonell, "Pour une histoire de l'historiographie," Storia della Storiografia, 1 no. 1 (1982), 7–25.
- Charles-Olivier Carbonell, "For a History of Historiography," Storia della Storiografia, nos. 83–84 (2023 nos. 1–2), 15–49; preceded by Guido Abbattista, "Foreword" Storia della Storiografia, nos. 83–84 (2023 nos. 1–2), 9–14.